Kiosk Lockdown and Mobile Device Management Software Solution

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM) and How Does it Work?

Discover how MDM solutions can help you effortlessly secure, monitor, and manage your organization's mobile devices for ultimate productivity

Secure and streamline your mobile fleet with Mobile Device Management (MDM).
Effortlessly manage devices, enforce policies, and protect sensitive data

In recent years, the use of mobile devices has increased exponentially. Even at the workplace, employees bring their smartphones. Mobile devices will provide more flexibility to employees, improve communication speed, and enrich the workflow by extending business processes, which will lead to a competitive edge in the corporate world. It enables quicker and more cooperative resource sharing, enabling staff members to act quickly and finish tasks before the deadline. The portability features facilitate better customer service, which will lead to generating more revenue, enriching the organization’s image, and giving it an edge over other competitors. An employer also allows and appreciates it because of its professional usage, increased efficiency, and productivity.

Unfortunately, this trend has given birth to different problems in aspects of security, privacy, spoofing, data stealing, malware attacks, bypassing access control, and mass usage. By stealing the time from paid working hours, employees can be active on social media platforms, visit a rogue website, or perform a personal task that will badly affect the throughput of the organization. As employees have different kinds of devices with other operating systems, an organization will need to face challenges in supporting all multiple device models. As mobile devices contain personal information, it will become more complex to handle. All these problems can be effectively resolved by implementing LimaxLock Mobile Device Management (MDM).

LimaxLock Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a type of security software that allows organizations to manage and secure mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. LimaxLock MDM solutions enable administrators to control and monitor devices, enforce security policies, and distribute applications and content. This technology is particularly useful for companies that need to manage a large fleet of mobile devices and ensure their security and compliance.

Need for LimaxLock Mobile Device Management?

LimaxLock MDM is software whose aim is to monitor the mobile devices within an organization. Every organization has to keep a close eye on the devices used by their employees while working on the premises of the organization, irrespective of whether it are company-owned or personal devices (BYOD). LimaxLock MDM is becoming an important aspect of Enterprise Mobility Management, Android for Work, and Endpoint Management. IT Administrators can use these tools to remotely control the entire access of employees’ devices and protect the enterprise from threats. It will not only optimize the device’s proper usage but can also be used for basic to advanced configurations along with security settings. LimaxLock MDM software is suitable for mobile phones with different hardware configurations as well as a different operating system.

Working on LimaxLock Mobile Device Management

LimaxLock MDM tools work on two key elements: the MDM server, which resides in a data centre and the MDM agent, which resides on a mobile device. IT administrator has to configure a new policy on the server management console when there is a need to add a new device to a corporate network. These processes just require a few clicks and a new device with enabled MDM is ready. The server will apply changes to the MDM agent. LimaxLock MDM server agent can deploy, configure, control, and manage websites and applications according to changed policies through allowed external applications and devices built-in APIs.

Benefits of LimaxLock Mobile Device Management

LimaxLock MDM platform will enable companies to protect data and other resources through device-level policies. It will provide all necessary features like device management, access to allowed applications and websites, single/multi-app mode, Kiosk browser, locking and unlocking of the device remotely, registration and authentic enrolment, application management, settings with user-restricted access, Enterprise App Store, location tracking, other permissions like Wi-Fi, overlay permission and Android For Work (afw).

Mobile Application Management, which is a part of LimaxLock MDM, will facilitate the administrator’s ability to select, deploy, configure, remove, and update external usable applications and websites on the MDM agent, as well as monitor individual app usage, which is either installed on companies’ own devices or personal devices used by employees. This central application selection policy will make the management of devices that are connected to the corporate network much easier. The Administrators can view the real-time monitoring details of individual employees without even refreshing the page and even lock/unlock any end-user device remotely. This real-time auto-data updating feature will add an additional edge in monitoring the devices.

How does LimaxLock Mobile Device Management fit into my IT strategy?

MDM becomes an important aspect when your company’s employees use smartphones, connecting them to the corporate network while working. If your employee has access to files, resources, or any other sensitive information, then it becomes essential to go with LimaxLock MDM software tools. Through LimaxLock MDM, employers can select the applications and websites from the Enterprise App Store or Play Store and install them remotely on employees’ phones without any permission from local devices.

There is a single- or multi-mode application facility available. Admin has the power to choose which application can be visible on the employee screen and which have indirect access through other applications. Employees can’t install any application on their own. All end-user phones and app usage information is visible to the admin in detail. It has the facility to add multiple admin accounts as well. Without MDM, organizations need to face a lot of security issues if any single lost device has access to confidential information. If private/confidential information is misused, then the organization may need to pay costly fees and lawsuits related to compliance violations

Comparison factors for Mobile Device Management tool

While choosing MDM software, consider the following options to distinguish

  • Security: Every MDM tool available in the market will provide security. It is essential to consider the enhanced security measures offered by businesses handling a substantial amount of sensitive data.
  • Devices supported: The MDM tool should support different hardware configurations and the different operating systems running on mobile devices
  • Integration: The integration of the MDM agent with the MDM server should be proper. All changes need to be reflected in real-time to provide a better monitoring experience for the admin

What to look for in an MDM solution

The following is a list of some of the essential features that anyone could look for while adapting the MDM for their organization.

  • MDM should be a cloud-based service
  • All updates should be real-time and refreshing the page again and again is not required
  • 24×7 full monitoring support and Own browser support
  • Single/multi-application mode
  • Essential security policies and enforcement, like a password
  • Prevent unauthorized access to the phone by remote data.
  • Remotely assigning permission with restricted access at the end-user level
  • For corporate data backup and restore facility
  • Remote disabling as well as remote locking and unlocking of authorized devices
  • Remotely select, deploy, configure, and update if necessary external applications
  • Through single-panel installation of multiple applications on multiple devices remotely
  • Customization facility and scalability for the new users

Functional Life Cycle of LimaxLock Mobile Device Management

There are main four phases in the LimaxLock Mobile Device Management Life Cycle

  • Enrol

    The first step in LimaxLock MDM is device enrolment. Registration of a device is mandatory for allowing authorized device access within an organization. Device enrolment has two key factors. The first is the Configuration part and the second involves actual onboarding on an end-user device. Enrollment can be done depending on a suitable use-case scenario. The IT department has a choice between onboarding and configuration before or after user assignment devices.

  • Manage

    This is the most decisive phase of all. The end-user has no need to worry about configuration settings, allowed application lists, or other deployments.

    IT Admin can set up everything for all end-users remotely. The managing phase, focusing on administration, facilitates the following:

    Deploying configurations, such as corporate network accessibility to enrolled devices,

    Making essential websites, applications, and data resources available to end-users.

    Choosing a single/multi-application mode

    Enabling security restrictions and granting the required permissions remotely.

    Disabling all distractive applications access points.

    Configuring data loss and prevention policies.

  • Monitor

    Monitoring is a continuous, ongoing process throughout the life cycle. Control and monitoring of all end user’s actions can be done remotely. IT admin can set the compliance settings for enrolled devices depending upon the organizational needs, which could vary from one organization to another

  • Secure

    The final phase is to secure the data of all enrolled devices. The data is available in the form of reports in the LimaxLock MDM management console. These reports will give a brief description of all enrolled devices and their compliance status. Monitoring the individual end-user and judging the performance parameter is possible. In an audit, this report information will play a vital role.


Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Mobile content management (MCM)
Mobile Application Management (MAM)
Local guide
Kiosk Lockdown

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