Mobilinear Systems Private Limited USER AGREEMENT

Mobilinear Systems private limited User Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into among you (or “User”, means all individuals or entities who register, log in, use or browse our Services), Mobilinear Systems private limited its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “LimaxLock” or “we”) and our operational cooperators (hereinafter referred to as “Cooperator”), with respect to and (hereinafter referred to as “Site/App”) and the products, programs and services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”, including but not limited to Limaxlock and Kiosk Lockdown) of Mobilinear Systems private limited . Please read this Agreement carefully, including the terms of Disclaimer of Warranty, Limitation of Liability, and Rights and Limitations, and choose to accept or not to accept this Agreement (minors should read this Agreement accompanied by legal guardian). We may suspend or stop providing our Services to you if you do not comply with our terms or policies. By your registration, login, usage of the Services or other actions, you acknowledge that you have read and understood, and agree to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Before proceeding to register on, access, use or download the Services please read this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these, you will not be able to register on, access or use the Services. By selecting the “I Accept” option, you signify your acceptance of this Agreement (as amended from time to time) and agree to be bound by them for as long as you are using or accessing the Services. IF YOU DO NOT SELECT THE “I ACCEPT” OPTION YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO REGISTER ON, ACCESS OR USE THE SERVICES. In the event we update or otherwise change the user agreement, we shall notify you of such updates which shall become effective from the date of notification. You can log in on our webpage at any time to check the latest Agreement. If you cannot accept any content that we have changed, you may withdraw your consent and cease to avail of the Services.


You may visit the Site/App without registration. However, you need a Limaxlock Account (“Account”) and to provide relevant personal information on the registration webpage or page in order to access the Services. You can delete or suspend your account under the instructions of the Site/App, and we will keep or delete your Account based on this Agreement. You hereby commit and undertake the following: You understand and agree that the Site/App is an application service product. You shall take full responsibilities for the authenticity, legality, accuracy and validity of your registration information; You shall also be responsible for updating any changes in your registration information to keep it up to date; You shall not post any information in the name of others; you shall not use registered Accounts maliciously; otherwise, we reserve the right to suspend the Services and you shall fully bear all legal liability. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any claims or loss arising from your actions. You shall use the Site/App and Services in accordance with all applicable laws and take all responsibility for activities under your registered Accounts, including your statements and any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly arise from your statements. You have the obligation to take good care of the registration information on the Site/App and are responsible for all your activities on the Site/App. You must immediately notify us if you find any illegal or unauthorized activities. LimaxLock not be liable for damages or losses arising from a User’s non-compliance with any of the provision(s) above; All your comments on the Site/App are public information that any third party has access to. Any statement posted on the Site/App will be deemed as public information, and a User should bear legal liability for the same. If you do not want any third party to have access to your statements, please do not post them on the Site/App/App. You shall also understand and hereby acknowledge the following: You accept that we may change, suspend, restrict, terminate or revoke the rights of our Services at any time without notice; We may include advertisements, etc. in our Services. You agree to the display of advertisements and other events from us or our related parties or Cooperators while enjoying our Services; We have the right to suspend, at our sole discretion or determination, delete any content that violates the laws and regulations in any jurisdiction or the terms of this Agreement; that infringes, prejudices, threatens any right or safety; or that impersonates others. We also retain the right to take legal action, including but not limited to removing any illegal or infringing content, suspending the registration of violators and reporting relevant information to relevant authorities based on the applicable laws and regulations. When you shop on the Site/App, you can only modify any of the following information for maintaining the Account’s safety: your name, address and phone number PRIVACY POLICY All information provided by you will be governed by the terms of the Privacy Policy. The terms of the Privacy Policy forms part of this Agreement and will be binding on you at all times. The Privacy Policy can be viewed at /privacy.html


User Content refers to all the content (your information, picture, music or others) resulting from your downloads, releases or other activities through the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited Service. You are solely responsible for such content and shall bear all risks that result from your disclosure of such User Content. Once you upload, release or engage in activities through the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited Services, you automatically grant to Mobilinear Systems private limited an irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferrable and royalty-free global licence to: Provide you with Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services or for the purposes of improving Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services through our use of User Content. We may also copy, publish, display, make derivative works and/or bring it to other works, or use your User Account (except for your personal information) in other ways; and you authorize us the transferrable permission for the preceding subject matter; Copy and publish your content only to designated receiver; You agree that you irrevocably waive any and all ownership, legal and moral rights to your User Content. You agree that while using the Site/App or the Services, you will not post, upload, publish, transmit or share any material or information that: (a) belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right to; (b) is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another\’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever; © harms minors in any way; (d) infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights; (e) violates any law for the time being in force; (f) deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; (g) impersonates another person; (h) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; (i) threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation. In the event, Mobilinear Systems private limited receives any court order or notification from a government agency that any information posted by you amounts to a breach of this provision, Mobilinear Systems private limited will take such steps necessary as required under law to remove or disable access to such information and may suspend or terminate your access at its sole discretion.


You have the right to use the Site/App legally. You have the right to upload, download, install, and use Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services on mobile communication devices. You have the right to use LimaxLock Accounts after you complete your registration. The rights to use LimaxLock Accounts only belong to you, and you are not allowed to borrow, lease, license, transfer, gift or sell LimaxLock Accounts. Mobilinear Systems private limited has the right to retrieve any Account for operational needs. You have the right to change and remove personal information, registered information, and any content posted. Please note that you must take the risk that any picture or word saved in the system might also be deleted when you remove related information. You are responsible for the safety of your Account information and password and shall bear legal liability for activities under registered Accounts. You agree not to use the passwords and Accounts of others under any circumstances. You agree to immediately notify Mobilinear Systems private limited once you suspect others of using your password or Account.


You shall not sell, lease, transfer, release or make other commercial use of the content from the Site/App or Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services (including but not limited to the content or the advertisements or sponsored content); You agree not to: (i) scrape or attempt to scrape or extract any data on the Site/App, including information provided by third parties, (ii) use the Services for any monitoring, benchmarking or throttling or any other purposes that may impair the performance or functionality of the Site/App or the Services, or (iii) access or attempt to access any content available on the Site/App by any means other than through the interface provided by Mobilinear Systems private limited . You shall not visit the Site/App or use Mobilinear Systems private limited Services to establish similar or competitive services; Unless expressly prescribed by laws, you shall not copy, publish, download, change, translate, merge, decompose, and paste or decompile etc. any part of the Site/App or Mobilinear Systems private limited Services (including but not limited to the content or the advertisements or sponsored content) in any manner; You shall not use the Site/App or Mobilinear Systems private limited Services to engage in any behavior or activity stated below: Upload or release virus, worm, and malware to damage or change computer system or data; Collect the information or data of other users, such as email address, without authorization; Disable network connection of the Site/App, make the Site/App to over handle, interrupt or undermine the website/App server and connection in other ways; Attempt to visit the Site/App our server or the Site/App connection without authorization; Interrupt or undermine other users\’ normal use of the Mobilinear Systems private limited Services.


You understand and agree that our Services are based on technical support from Cooperators and other third parties. You understand and consent that we may provide some of your sensitive personal information to such Cooperators and third parties in the course of receiving technical or any other support from them. You agree and authorize the Site/App and the Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services to limit your rights of using the Site/App and LimaxLock services. When you visit the website/App and advertisement of a third party, the third party’s terms and policy applies. Mobilinear Systems private limited shall not bear any risks and legal responsibility when you use third party’s services. The Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services include content provided by other users; and the interaction between you and other users only belongs to you and other users. Except as may be required under applicable laws, Mobilinear Systems private limited does not control such User Content, bear legal liability, or own the obligations to check, monitor, examine and approve such User Content. Mobilinear Systems private limited shall not bear any responsibility or legal liability for the risks of such interaction. Mobilinear Systems private limited shall not be responsible for any dispute between you and any other third party arising out of the use of the Site/App or the Services. Mobilinear Systems private limited shall not be held liable for any negligent conduct or behaviour of any third party in relation to the use of the Site/App or the Services.


You agree to use the Site/App or Services harmlessly and to indemnify Mobilinear Systems private limited against any lawsuit, complaint, loss, damage, responsibility, cost and fees (including but not limited to counsel fees) from any third party claims caused by your use of the Site/App or Services, your User Content, your violation of this Agreement or any law, rules or regulations or the rights of a third party, or any fraudulent act on your part. Mobilinear Systems private limited reserves the exclusive right to defend and the right to claim for compensation. You will not unilaterally reconcile when you and Mobilinear Systems private limited jointly file a lawsuit against any third party without written consent from Mobilinear Systems private limited . Mobilinear Systems private limited will reasonably notify you of such lawsuit or action at law. Under no circumstances Mobilinear Systems private limited will bear any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, exceptional or punitive compensation results from this Agreement.


Mobilinear Systems private limited will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, fitness, availability or relevance of any information on the Site/App and Services. Mobilinear Systems private limited will not bear any legal liability under circumstances stated below: Providing your personal information in accordance with local regulations and government request; Disclosure of private information caused by your negligent actions; Any circumstances caused by suspension, breakdown and so on that result from reasons beyond Mobilinear Systems private limited reasonable control including, without limitation, from hacking, virus invasions, blockings due to illegal and harassing content, government control or any other reasons related to network, technique, communication line and information security management; Losses to the users because of any third party, such as the communication line breakdown, technical problems, the network and computer breakdown, and other cases of force majeure; Risks from threat, defamation, offensive or illegal information that are caused through the Site/App or Mobilinear Systems private limited products and Services; Any psychological or physical damage and economic losses when you interact with others through the Site/App or Services. The Site/App or Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services expressively declare that we do not guarantee timeliness, security and accuracy of the Services expressly, impliedly or in other forms. Any content posted by you on the Site/App does not represent or reflect any viewpoint or policy of Mobilinear Systems private limited ; Mobilinear Systems private limited does not bear any responsibility for this. Under no circumstances shall Mobilinear Systems private limited bear any responsibility for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, exceptional or punitive damages, including profit losses, loss of reputation, goodwill, business opportunities, data or other intangible losses or be liable for any loss or damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use Mobilinear Systems private limited Services. In spite of the provisions in this Agreement, the responsibilities we bear will not exceed the fees (if any) you pay for Mobilinear Systems private limited Services during your registration period, for any reason or in any manner. Mobilinear Systems private limited also disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to the use of the Services. Mobilinear Systems private limited will not be responsible or liable for any damages or losses resulting from any correspondence or business dealings with third-party service providers or advertisers or resulting from the presence of such advertisers on the Site/App. Mobilinear Systems private limited is maintaining the Site/App and providing the Services on an “as is” basis and offers no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise with respect to the Site/App or the Services. Mobilinear Systems private limited specifically disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. You expressly agree that the use of the Site/App and/or the Services is at your own risk and that you will not hold Mobilinear Systems private limited responsible for any content that may be deemed offensive, indecent, or objectionable to you.


Any information posted on the Site/App or the interactive platform should not infringe the intellectual property of any third party. You should not upload, transmit, distribute, display, release, change, spread or copy any material or trademark under copyright protection, or proprietary information of others, without the written consent of the owner. If Mobilinear Systems private limited receives appropriate notice from any copyright owner or its legal representative, we will remove the related content after investigation. Graphics, words and composition involving LimaxLock and other Mobilinear Systems private limited logos appearing in Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services are the trademarks of Mobilinear Systems private limited . Without written consent, you cannot display or use them in other manners in any way. By no means can any entity or individual use, copy, change, spread, distribute, display, sell, transcribe any part of the trademark or bundle and sell with other products. In addition to the provisions therefore, you can promptly contact us through our email address ( if you think someone has copied or published your work on the Site/App, or infringes your copyright in any other manner. Please also include the following information in the written notice: (i) materials evidencing that you have copyright or you are authorized to exercise copyright of the allegedly infringing content; (ii) your explicit identification, address and contact information; (iii) the network address of the allegedly infringing content; (iv) the description of the allegedly infringing copyright works; (v) materials evidencing that your copyright is infringed; (vi) under the premise that you agree to bear all consequences of perjury, you issue written statement of the accuracy and authenticity of the content in your written notice.


This user agreement and the relationship between us shall be treated as if entered into and executed in Pune, India and shall be governed and construed in accordance with Indian Law, without regard to conflict of law principles. is governed by the laws of India only. If you bring a claim against us in court, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of India. This means that if you were able to bring a claim arising from this user agreement against us in court, for example, an acceptable court would be a court located in India


MODIFIED TERMS We may change or modify terms of this Agreement at any time, and will notify you through your email address or notifications on the Site/App. Your use of the Site/App and all other services of Mobilinear Systems private limited after modifications to the terms indicate that you agree to such changes; Mobilinear Systems private limited reserves the right to modify, keep and suspend the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and Services without notification from time to time; You agree that Mobilinear Systems private limited shall not be liable for changing, reserving or suspending the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and Services, or for any actions taken by other third parties. TERMINATION This Agreement becomes valid on your first access of the Site/App and stays valid during your use of the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and Services, until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. We may restrict your right to access the Site/App, Mobilinear Systems private limited Services, and your Account; and/or terminate this Agreement at any time without notice, if we believe you violate our acceptable policies or other terms of this Agreement. Not subject to the preceding provisions, Mobilinear Systems private limited reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if you infringe the copyright of the third party and receives the notice from such third party owner or legal representative of the third party owner. Once this Agreement is terminated, your Accounts and your right to use the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and Services will also be terminated. You should understand this means your User Content will be removed from our database. Mobilinear Systems private limited will not take any responsibility for terminating this Agreement, including terminating your Account and removing your User Content. Any revised version of the Site/App, updates or other changes of the Mobilinear Systems private limited Services will be covered by this Agreement.

Refund Policy:

1. Eligibility for Refund:

2. Refund Process:

To initiate a refund, please contact our customer support at with your purchase details.
Our team will review your request and process the refund if it meets the eligibility criteria.

3. Refund Timeframe:

Refunds will be processed within 10 business days after approval.
Please note that the actual time for the refund to reflect in your account may vary depending on your payment method.

Return Policy:

1. Return of Services:

As LimaxLock MDM is a digital service, physical returns are not applicable.
However, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our product.
If you encounter any issues or require assistance, please reach out to our support team at

2. Technical Support:

We provide continuous technical support to address any concerns or difficulties you may face in using LimaxLock MDM.
Our support team can be contacted at for prompt assistance.


FEEDBACK Your suggestion to Mobilinear Systems private limited (“Feedback”) is regarded as transferring all rights in such Feedback; Mobilinear Systems private limited has the right to use the Feedback in any appropriate method. We also consider this feedback unclassified and non-exclusive. INDEPENDENCE If some provisions of this Agreement cannot be applied for some reasons, they will be revised to apply legally; and other provisions remain applicable. INTEGRALITY This Agreement (including the Privacy Policy) is the ultimate, integral and exclusive agreement between you and Mobilinear Systems private limited , in relation to any matter relating to the Site/App and Mobilinear Systems private limited products and services. The title of each paragraph is written only for the convenience of reading and does not have any legal or contractual obligations. Without written consent from Mobilinear Systems private limited , you cannot transfer the rights and obligations stated in this Agreement. Any behavior or activity violates the provision about such a transfer attempt is invalid.